Monday, September 5, 2011

Love These Guys!

In case you haven't noticed, I usually don't blog on the weekends. Much less on a holiday weekend. That's family time. But I've been wanting to share something with you. A while back, my friend Lola, sent me Il Volo's CD. Immediately, I fell in love.

I bet you didn't know, that I really enjoy classical music. But I really do. Every once in a while, I can convince Patrick, to go to a Symphony concert. If I'm really lucky, I can get my hubby to go to an Opera. Yes, I'm a huge fan of classical music.

I want you to hear Il Volo. They're a group of teenagers, who sing amazingly! Honestly, I just enjoy listening to their music. You'd think they'd been singing for 20 years. Not just a handful. They're that good. Why can't I have talent like that? But Il Volo is amazing! So take a listen. You'll enjoy it.

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