Monday, June 27, 2011

Dinosaur Train

Logan is very much into dinosaurs. He's our 2nd son, so I should have expected this. But he's much more into dinosaurs than Ethan ever was. For the last year or so, Logan's world has revolved around dinosaurs. We've gone to museums, he's got plenty of toy dinosaurs, and well, anything on TV that has to do with dinosaurs, he begs to watch.

A couple of months ago, I was in the middle of a phone call, with a committee member. I had left Logan and Daniella watching TV. I know. I'm a bad mom. But sometimes, you just have to do what you can, to get things done. When I got back, they were watching Dinosaur Train.

Every weekday morning since, we've watched Dinosaur Train. Interesting enough, Daniella also likes the show. She cracks up with all the different songs. And for 30 minutes, you can't get Logan away from the TV. I should be concerned. But this is the only TV show that he really enjoys. And well, it's PBS. What can be so wrong with that?

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