Monday, October 17, 2011

A Little Fun

I had planned on blogging, about our weekend today. More specifically, Patrick and I's Date Night. But I'm getting old. And last night, kicked my bootie. Patrick and I have been relaxing all day. Very unusual for us! But we're enjoying it. The kiddos are in bed. And I'm catching up on a TV show or 2.

In so many words, I'm not really in the mood, to blog about my weekend. I'm ready to relax, and go to bed. But before that, I did want to blog about something. That's because of Trina. And this fun "Fill-in-the-Blank," that she had on her blog. So here I go. I promise to blog about our fun tomorrow!

1. My current obsession is decorating our home. Our kids' rooms are essentially, the only "finished" part of our home. And after chatting with Lola, I really want to get started on this. Maybe we'll convince her to come back here, and do the job for us. :)

2. Pinterest is something I always want to sign up for. But I always get sidetracked on the internet. And I forget. This might be a good thing. I can imagine, spending way too many hours, on Pinterest!

3. My greatest strength is multitasking. I'm really good at that! I've gotten good at doing 20 things at once. And I'm pretty sure, it's a good thing.

4. Self doubt/worth is my greatest weakness. I've been working at it for years! Hopefully, one day, I'll feel better about myself. I see this as an ongoing project.

5. My life is perfect right now! I've never been so happy. My family is happy and healthy. Our lives are moving in the right direction. And things seem to be falling into place, for our family. We're blessed.

6. In high school I was not really cool. I was quiet. A nerd. And part of a Dance Team. That I never really felt like I belonged in. I'm glad all of that, is now behind me.

7. When I’m super tired my body aches, I can't think straight, and at some point, I get incredibly moody. It's not good. And I'm trying to work on that.

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