I'm pretty sure, that I've mentioned these 3 things, on my blog before. 1. I love to cook. 2. I love Paula Deen. 3. I don't watch much TV. Earlier this week, Daniella was napping. And I was holding a sick and sleeping Logan. Our house was ridiculously quiet. In the middle of the morning. Something that just doesn't happen much. If ever.
With a sleeping 3 year old, sprawled across my body, I started to channel surf. And I saw her! Mrs. Paula Deen. In all her glory. I had no clue what show it was. I just knew it was Paula Deen. And she was amazing! I lay there, and watched. Between, it was the Dr. Oz Show. I have many issues with that show, but it was Paula. And I wasn't changing the channel!
Paula Deen is so real! People she made me cry. As usual, she was her fun loving self. But Dr. Oz got Mrs. Paula all emotional. And she began to cry. Why? Because she was talking about her battle...with smoking. A life long battle. That she just can't kick. She was so real. People, I've never seen Paula so vulnerable. Never! It was heart touching.
I've been a HUGE Paula Deen fan, for years! So much so, a few years ago, I planned an entire Anniversary trip, around visiting the Lady and Sons. I have every Paula Deen cookbook out there. I might even have a few, really good shows, of Paula Deen's taped. :)
This interview just made me a bigger fan of Mrs. Paula's. I don't know what it is. I just feel like she could be my grandma, or something. Maybe my best friend. I just feel like she is real, could be one of us. You know what I mean? She's not a crazy celebrity, that has lost complete touch, with reality. She's just like you and me. And guess what, Paula's got a new cookbook!
The second I heard about that, and finished watching the interview, I crawled off the couch. My 3 year old son in my arms. To rush order me a copy. I got it the next morning! And I've managed to cook 3 things already. Yum! Paula is just amazing! I wish we could be BFFs. I know that we'd get along. I just know it!
I was home from work yesterday with my little boy who had pink eye and was also channel surfing and came across that episode. It was very amazing and I can't wait to try the oven baked chicken recipe!
I hope your little one is dong better. I've made the oven baked chicken twice, so good! My family really enjoyed it. Definitely worth a try. :)
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