Thursday, July 7, 2011

10 Years of Wedded Bliss

Dear Patrick,

I can't believe it's been 10 years! Do you remember our wedding day? I don't think it could have been a hotter day. I thought for sure, my dress was going to melt off of me. 105 degrees outside. We knew how to pick the day! I couldn't have felt smaller, in the Cathedral. So huge, and majestic. So much history. So many couples before us, had gotten married there. But I was never so sure, that we were perfect for each other. I knew we were made for one another.

It didn't matter that our wedding was small. That only our parents, grandparents, and a few other friends and family were there. We could have gotten married, just by ourselves, and it would still have been perfect! Just you and me. And God. All that we needed.

So much has happened since July 7, 2001. So many good things. A few tough times. I've always had you to lean on. To depend on. Your strong arms. Your caring heart. Do you remember it all? The crazy meltdowns. In that tiny apartment. Where I swear, we could hear our neighbors breathing. When I'd fall apart, after 48 hour shifts. And I always had you, to comfort me. To tell me it was going to work out.

You've always been here for me. Wanting me to be happy. Making sure I get the things I need. And want. It never mattered to you, where we lived, what kind of furniture we had, or where we'd go. You just wanted me to be happy. I've never felt so loved. Never!

There were days, when I felt less than perfect. Horrible even. Unattractive. Tired. Just not good enough. But you've always had a way, to make me feel amazing. Like I'm the most beautiful woman, inside and out. You just have this way. Even when I was covered in baby food, hadn't showered in days, hadn't slept in weeks. You still made me feel, like I was the sexist woman on the planet.

And these amazing babes that we have. All 4 of them! Made with so much love. The perfect balance of you and me. I love how they've changed our lives. Made us better people. I always knew that you'd be an amazing Daddy. But when Ethan was born, you completely outdid any expectation, that I ever had. So incredibly loving, gentle, kind, nurturing, and knowledgeable.

In the last 10 years, we've been through so much. But our 4 kids, are definitely the most amazing blessings! We've gone through so much. Accomplished so much. Walked hand in hand. Making a better life for ourselves. Improving the world around us. And making a beautiful and loving family.

I couldn't imagine going through life with anyone else. There is no one else in the world, that I'd want at my side. No other man that I'd want to love. Not other man that I'd want to love me. No other Daddy for my babes. No. You, Patrick, are my other half. My better half. I'm only whole with you. The only man that makes me complete. The man I wanted to marry 10 years ago. The man I want to live with, until eternity. The best father in the world. I couldn't imagine going to bed, without you. Feeling your strong arms, wrapped tightly around me, as I sleep. My morning is not complete, without waking up in your arms, looking into your eyes, and getting my morning kiss.

This song, still makes me think of you. Every time I hear it. Our first dance. So many date nights. It just reminds me of you. Of you and me! Yes, 10 years ago, I made the best decision of my life. To become your wife. I love you babe! Happy Anniversary! I can't wait, to see what the next 10 years, have in store for you and me. 

Your Brookie

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