Friday, July 8, 2011

Five Question Friday #6

Our family, is definitely enjoying all these summer days! It's just so nice to get out and explore the world a little. If you read my blog yesterday, Patrick and I celebrated our 10th Anniversary. We actually had a fun day with our kids. We even took them out to a fancy dinner, everyone dressed up, and we enjoyed it. Patrick and I are hoping to celebrate our Anniversary, around his birthday, in November. Maybe a tropical trip? For now, we're just enjoying our family. I better get my Five Question Friday done. That way I can spend the day with my family.

1. Do you think cursive writing is overrated? (Schools in Indiana have now voted to take teaching cursive writing out of their curriculum.) No I don't. I think all kids need to learn it. It doesn't have to be perfect. But you need it, so that you can have a signature. Signatures turn out to be very important for adults. Think about things like signing checks, mortgages, and applications. Very important!

2. Do you still use a pocket calendar or notepad or do you keep your info on your smart phone? I've definitely gotten much better at this! I keep most of our info on my phone. But I have a HUGE calendar in our kitchen. I put all our schedules on there. That calendar, is essential to the running of this house. Without it, I don't think we could function. No lie! I also carry around a little notebook and a planner. In my purse. To take down notes. I do a lot of fundraisers, so this is essential.

3. What 3 things would you save if your house was burning down? (family & pets are already safe) This is sorta tough. I'd definitely want to save family pictures. I have doubles of all our pictures, in a set of boxes. I'd also like to save my grandparents wedding rings. They gave them to Patrick and I for our anniversary, this year. Lastly, my kids' scrapbooks/memory boxes. They have so much history in them. Definitely items that you can't replace. Things like first clippings of hair, Baptism clothes, pictures, etc. I'd definitely want to save those.

4. Country Mouse or City Mouse, err Person? I used to think I was a "City Mouse." But since moving out here, I'm more of a "Country Mouse." We live in a gorgeous Southern city. But we have a lake house. Not too far away. We try and spend at least half our weekends, the holidays, and summers out there. It's Heaven! If Patrick didn't have to work so many hours, and commute, I'd LOVE to live there.

5. If you could pick ANY reality show to go on, which would you pick? Hmm, I don't know. Maybe Dancing with the Stars. It seems to be a show that has minimum drama. I'm not into drama. Ooh, maybe the Duggars's show, 19 Kids and Counting. That could be interesting...

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