Friday, November 18, 2011

Five Question Friday #25

Well, it's Friday. And all I have to say is, thank goodness! It's been one of those crazy, busy weeks. I'm personally, looking forward to just hanging out with my family this weekend. One phenomenal thing happened this week. Our friend Hillary, and her darling baby girl got to come home this week. On Monday. Patrick and I, got to be part of the team that brought them home. We were so happy! Both are well, on their way to recovery. It's such a blessing.

Then we had all those crazy storms this week. I just wanted to get my hubby, and our kiddos, and hide out! We got through the storms. No injury to us, or our home. We are very blessed. And praying, for all of those, who were directly touched by the storms.

Yes, it's been one crazy week. But there is always good, among the chaos. My kiddos have been extra loving this week. We're getting ready for family. They're coming to visit next week, for Thanksgiving. Can you imagine? Thanksgiving is in less than a week! And I get the honor of hanging out with this amazing lady, for a day or 2, this weekend. Daniella and I are super excited! I guess I should get started on this week's Five Question Friday.

1. Do you have a go to song that always puts you in a good mood? That's tough. I have a few songs that I love. But now that I have kids, "You Are My Sunshine" always brings a smile to my face. All 4 of my kids, just love to sing it. :) I've also been known to turn up "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." You know, as I'm cruising home, from a fun day.

2. Are you a real Christmas tree kinda person or do you go with a real fake one? For years, Patrick and I could barely afford life. And until Ethan was born, we had a little 3 foot fake tree. We actually still have it! When we started to make a little money, and had a sweet baby boy, we decided on a few things. One being, we'd always have a real Christmas tree for our kids. And I have to say this, I LOVE it! I just adore the smell. The tradition. Both Patrick and I grew up with real Christmas trees.

3. What are you thankful for? I'm thankful for my family. And their health. We had a scare this week. With the weather. And it put things into perspective for me. I've watched my friend, and everything she's been dealing with. I'm just grateful, that my family is happy, healthy, and well taken care of. We have food on our table, and a roof over our heads. And so much love. What else could we ask for?

4. Which fashion fad from the past do you wish you could wear today? I'm a big fan of the 1940-1950s fashion. I'd love to dress like that. In those gorgeous dresses, that women wore all the time.With the cute hats. And even the aprons. It just seemed like such a glamorous time. Can we go back?

5. Do you wait until the "low fuel" light comes on before you fill up the gas tank? My hubby takes care of it. But we try to not let it go under half a tank. I think our insecurities from our "poor days," still drive certain things in our life. Like keeping our gas tanks full. I still remember counting pennies, to fill up our little car. Just to get to the hospital. I'm telling you, I've lived on both sides. And I'll never forget those feelings.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm in LOVE with the Nate Berkus Show

I can't lie. I didn't know about the Nate Berkus Show. I've heard about it, from a few different friends. But I had never seen it. I had seen Nate on Oprah. And I adored him. Recently, I stumbled on the show. My life has never been the same since!

Literally, that 1 hour block, has changed my life. Nate has some of the best people on his show. Everything from cooking to decorating to fashion. So many tips. Lots of great new websites, blogs, and new places to look and explore. I've learned so much! Now I have a show to tivo and watch when my little ones are napping. By the way, those cupcakes, I'm so going to try them! :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm Going to Miss Him!

Way back when, I started watching Live. Regis was hilarious! I didn't watch all the time. But I watched whenever I was home from school. Mostly while I was hanging out with my grandma. Then I went off to college, and med school. There were very rare days, that I'd have off. But I always tried to start my days off, with Regis.

I watched as he looked for his new co-host. And I silently prayed, that it would be Kelly. She was so fun! So much like Regis. They seemed good together. When I got pregnant, and pretty much left the "working world," Live became my show. Every morning, I'd watch Live with Regis and Kelly, as I did laundry. Yes, all these years later, I still watch. Not every day. But most days.

My favorite part of the show, is the first 15-20 minutes. Otherwise known as "Host Chat." The silly stories, their opinions, sports updates, family pictures, all of that. I LOVE it!!! When I've been feeling bad, or sad, I could count on Regis, to make me laugh. :)

This is the beginning of Regis' last week on Live. I'm sad. I can't lie about that. Every day, they've been counting down. And my heart has been getting heavier, and heavier. No one will ever take Regis' place. I hope that he continues to have a public job in entertainment. Because I'm sure going to miss him, every morning. My coffee and laundry, just won't be the same.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Five Question Friday #24

Goodness gracious! I'm exhausted! This is the second Friday, in a row, that I work. And while that doesn't sound like much. They've been 18 hour days! I haven't worked hours like this, at the hospital, in so long! Since before Logan was born. Now I have 4 kids, this is nuts! I'm going to bed now. I need some rest. Did I mention, this was the craziest day to work? Yes, 11/11/11 did something to the people. The hospital was just nuts! So here is this week's Five Question Friday. Before I fall asleep on my laptop.

1. What's the last thing you spent too much money on? For my family...we went over our winter jacket budget. But it was well worth it. My kids needed new jackets. For me? I just bought myself some makeup and makeup brushes. I spent more than I had planned too. But it should last, for a very long time! And well,  mommy needed a treat. :)

2. What celeb chef would you want to make you dinner? I don't even have to think about it. Hands down, Paula Deen! Hello! Southern cooking. Melt in your mouth food. And Paula Deen! I'd just LOVE to watch her cook. And get to talk to her. Paula are you reading this? Let me know when you're in my area. ;)

3. Where do you hide things when visitors pop over or do you let them see the real deal? I'll admit it. I don't. You get what you get, when you come to our house. I used to throw things in the closet. But that was just a disaster. Now I just try and stay on top of it. And if someone comes over, and there are some toys on the floor. Well, the kids have to put them away. And I'm not going crazy if my kids' homework is on the kitchen table. Or there are snacks on the counter. We live here. And our house is clean, but lived in.

4. Who is your oldest living family member? Patrick's abuelita. She's almost 100. We're blessed to have her in our lives.Wow! Do you think Patrick will live that long? That would be cool!

5. What is your favorite DQ treat and/or Sonic drink combo (ie: cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper)? I'm traditional. I like a good dipped cone at DQ. And I enjoy an Ocean Water at Sonic. Yum! Now I want a sweet treat. :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I missed Bones last week. And I've had it at the top of my list, to watch, since Thursday night. It still hasn't happened. And it looks so good...

I've waited since last May, to see what's going to happen next. I guess I should stop blogging. Maybe I can catch part of an episode, while I'm trying to wake up. And before my kiddos get up. But somehow, I can't get myself out of bed. And we don't have a TV in our room. I could just watch it on my laptop....

Is there any show that you've been waiting for? And that you still haven't seen. This is the one for me. My hubs first got me interested in Bones, during the Summer 2010. It was our guilty pleasure. We'd stay up late, on the weekends, and watch. I'm pretty sure, that we watched 3 seasons, that summer. Maybe we need to make this a weekly, TV watching, date. It could be good...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blogging and Fall Nail Polish

First of all, I don't usually blog this much in a week. But I'm pretty sure, that I've blogged every day this week. I'm blaming that, on me, trying to fix my blog. No lie! So I'm signed on. Working here. And I say, why not? Like when I was searching for some yummy nail polish. Tonight. I put into google, "Fall nail polish." And this picture pops up...

I searched and searched for the source, but nothing was working. Don't you HATE that? I really wanted to know, about each one of these colors. All I was getting from google, was that the page had been moved. :( Any way that you put it, I'm loving these colors!

I'm never going to buy a Chanel nail polish. I'm not that crazy! I could probably buy 5 nail polishes, for that price. And well, I'm almost 100% positive, that you can find Logan, Daniella, and I at Target tomorrow. Looking for similar colors. Yes, this mom of 4, is dying to paint her nails, these delicious colors!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Want...

I happened to catch, all of 5 minutes, of GMA this morning. It happened to be a crazy morning. One that was supposed to be easy going. Patrick was taking our 3 oldest to school. I was going to just hang out with Daniella. Taking down Halloween decorations, fixing my blog, and maybe taking Daniella to Target. Who doesn't like a random trip to Target?

But things got a little crazy. Logan forgot his backpack. So I made the "mad dash" to get it to him. It was super important this morning. "Show and Tell" day. My car was giving me a bit of trouble on the way home. I stopped and left it off at the mechanic, and waited for a ride home. Yes, I caught the last segment of GMA. As Daniella and I walked through the door. It was a good thing too. Look at what I saw...

I first heard about this book from Lola. But I hadn't seen it. And I didn't know when it was coming out. But the stars aligned. I got to see this cute turkey cake. That Buddy was teaching America how to decorate. The perfect addition to any Thanksgiving! Actually, Daniella made me promise, that we'd make that turkey. But who am I kidding? The second I saw it, I was already making plans. And honestly, who doesn't want to semi-bake and decorate like Buddy? I've always wanted to semi-bake like the Cake Boss. And if I can learn something about decorating, that's a total bonus!

Add this to my Wish List. I'd tell Patrick to get it for me, for Christmas. But I don't think I can wait that long. I know, I'm bad! Tomorrow, Logan's class is going to Barnes and Noble, for a field trip. Daniella and I are also going. It wouldn't be a bad thing, if I stumbled on a copy or 2 of this book. Because I hear, my good friend, is also wishing for a copy.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Grab Some Coffee, Let's Chat

The last few weeks have been crazy. And busy. I've tried to keep up. I've typed, organized, decorated, shopped, spent time with friends, enjoyed my family. Did I mention, I'm also in charge of 12 fundraisers from right before Halloween, to New Year's. I'm exhausted!

But I've been blogging. Trying to keep up with this little sweetheart. That I've grown to love, over the last few months. But honestly, I haven't been checking my own blog. You know, typing in my url, and reading. I was trying to respond to my comments. But nothing was working. So I contacted Blogger. And waited.

Meanwhile, I was still blogging. The other night, after the kids were in bed, Patrick and I were just hanging out. I was blogging about our sons, and my hubby was catching up on e-mails. I'm pretty sure Patrick was wondering what I was laughing at. He headed to my blog. This blog. And quickly asked were my posts were.

My response, "What are you talking about? They're on the blog." When I looked at my blog from his laptop, there were only a handful of posts. Nothing since mid-September. When I looked from my laptop, I saw everything. What was going on? So I got on the family computer. Again, it looked like the blog, that I saw on Patrick's computer.

I quickly contacted Blogger. I crossed my fingers. I didn't panic.Why? I type and save all my blog posts on Word, then I post them on Blogger. I'm still waiting to hear back. It's so frustrating! Something similar happened in late July, or early August. It wasn't so bad then. I'd only been blogging for a few weeks. In less than an hour, I had everything fixed.

I'm taking things into my own hands. I'm going to be re-posting things. I'll post them on the same date and time, as the original. I told you I was a little odd. I just don't have the comments, that were posted on each post. Has anyone else had any trouble like this? Any problems with Blogger? I've had some issues blogging. And I've only been at this since June...

But I'm staying positive. I just don't want people to think I'm weird. Blogging about things from July. Or posting 10 posts in a day. I'm just trying to fix things here. Heck, I'm still learning here. And I find it a success, when I can post 3 times a week. :)

I'm also trying to figure out, how Lola posted that top banner. How does she get certain labels up there? I'm going to have to call her. I want that! Maybe I'll link my twitter and Facebook pages too. So much to do. I hope I find the time. Friends, is blogging always this complicated?