Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I missed Bones last week. And I've had it at the top of my list, to watch, since Thursday night. It still hasn't happened. And it looks so good...

I've waited since last May, to see what's going to happen next. I guess I should stop blogging. Maybe I can catch part of an episode, while I'm trying to wake up. And before my kiddos get up. But somehow, I can't get myself out of bed. And we don't have a TV in our room. I could just watch it on my laptop....

Is there any show that you've been waiting for? And that you still haven't seen. This is the one for me. My hubs first got me interested in Bones, during the Summer 2010. It was our guilty pleasure. We'd stay up late, on the weekends, and watch. I'm pretty sure, that we watched 3 seasons, that summer. Maybe we need to make this a weekly, TV watching, date. It could be good...

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