Friday, November 11, 2011

Five Question Friday #24

Goodness gracious! I'm exhausted! This is the second Friday, in a row, that I work. And while that doesn't sound like much. They've been 18 hour days! I haven't worked hours like this, at the hospital, in so long! Since before Logan was born. Now I have 4 kids, this is nuts! I'm going to bed now. I need some rest. Did I mention, this was the craziest day to work? Yes, 11/11/11 did something to the people. The hospital was just nuts! So here is this week's Five Question Friday. Before I fall asleep on my laptop.

1. What's the last thing you spent too much money on? For my family...we went over our winter jacket budget. But it was well worth it. My kids needed new jackets. For me? I just bought myself some makeup and makeup brushes. I spent more than I had planned too. But it should last, for a very long time! And well,  mommy needed a treat. :)

2. What celeb chef would you want to make you dinner? I don't even have to think about it. Hands down, Paula Deen! Hello! Southern cooking. Melt in your mouth food. And Paula Deen! I'd just LOVE to watch her cook. And get to talk to her. Paula are you reading this? Let me know when you're in my area. ;)

3. Where do you hide things when visitors pop over or do you let them see the real deal? I'll admit it. I don't. You get what you get, when you come to our house. I used to throw things in the closet. But that was just a disaster. Now I just try and stay on top of it. And if someone comes over, and there are some toys on the floor. Well, the kids have to put them away. And I'm not going crazy if my kids' homework is on the kitchen table. Or there are snacks on the counter. We live here. And our house is clean, but lived in.

4. Who is your oldest living family member? Patrick's abuelita. She's almost 100. We're blessed to have her in our lives.Wow! Do you think Patrick will live that long? That would be cool!

5. What is your favorite DQ treat and/or Sonic drink combo (ie: cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper)? I'm traditional. I like a good dipped cone at DQ. And I enjoy an Ocean Water at Sonic. Yum! Now I want a sweet treat. :)


Sarann said...

Fun answers! That is cool that you have someone who is almost 100, here's to a long life for all of us!

Hillary said...

I just don't know how you guys work such long hours! I hope you're getting lots of rest this weekend. Between, now I want a DQ Blizzard. Yum!

Brooke said...

Sarann it's amazing! And she's still in such good health. It makes me wonder how long we will all live.

Brooke said...

Hillary, I just think you get used to it. Crazy I know! But working a few shifts, your body just gets used to it.

Speaking of Blizzards, do you want a yummy treat this weekend? Sonic? DQ? Let me know.