Friday, June 3, 2011

Five Question Friday #1

I decided to try something out. I think it will encourage me to blog on a regular basis. I wanted to do Friday Fill-Ins like Lola. But I thought, I should try something different. So neither of us gets bored, when we're reading each other's blogs. Enter in, Five Question Friday. I think this is going to be fun! And if you join in, please leave me a link. :)

1. If you had to choose, how would you prefer to choose to spend money...on landscaping or a pool? We're very lucky. We have a pool. An incredible pool, that we live in, during the summer. We also have some decent landscape. But I'd definitely spend money on landscaping. Especially after talking to Lola. She always gives me such great ideas. Oh and all the cold weather, this past winter, killed lots of our plants. I'd definitely like to redo much of our landscaping.

2. (Scott likes to get things stirred up...) Death penalty, yay or nay? This is tough. For 2 reasons. One I'm Catholic. So I'm supposed to be opposed to the death penalty. And two, I'm an MD. I'm supposed to save lives. But I also lived in Texas, for a few years. And I've gotten to see both sides of this issue. I think, for certain circumstances, the death penalty is the right thing. Just think about those sick people, who repeatedly do harm to innocent children. Ya, I'm not 100% for or against the death penalty. But in certain circumstances, I don't think it's wrong.

3. What's the worst thing your kid has gotten into when you turned your back/blogged/showered/blinked? I'm not going to say which one, but one of our kids decided to play with dog poop. Ya, I know! When I asked why, I was told, "It's just like mud Mommy!" At the time, my kiddo was 2 1/2 years old. I was dying! They were covered, head to toe, in dog poop.

4. How often do you REALLY go to the dentist? Our entire family, goes every six months. My hubby is a stickler about this. He makes the appointments. Heck, Patrick even takes the day off of work. He's very concerned with our oral health.

5. What is your favorite animal (doesn't have to be a pet-type animal)? My favorite pet type animal is a dog. Pretty obvious around here. My favorite animal in general, are owls. Since I was a kid, I've been really interested in the cute creatures.

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