Friday, June 10, 2011

Five Question Friday #2

Oh, Friday, Friday. Where have you been? I've missed you so! Since it's Friday, it's time for Five Question Friday. Just typing that, makes me happy!

1. How close to your childhood dreams is your life now? Pretty darn close! I wanted to be a doctor since I was 7 or 8. I still get to work a few times a month. Nothing crazy, but enough to keep me sane. Of course, I always wanted kids. So ya, I'm living my dreams. Minus the ice cream machine. I always dreamt of an ice cream machine in my house. Like the one at Dairy Queen! 

2. What is one must have item for the summer? Sandals. It doesn't matter what kind. Flip flops, dressy sandals, whatever. Just as long as we each have a pair or 2.

3. Do you have your kids stay up on school stuff during summer vacation? (Or, if you don't have kiddos, did your parents make you keep up on school stuff during summer?) Not really. But they're still young. Patrick and I still have our kids read a book a day. And of course, we work on things like math, when I'm cooking. It's a family affair.

4. Do you can or freeze fresh produce? I try to freeze as much fresh fruit as possible. During the summer, I double up on buying summer fruit. It's nice, in the dead of winter, to have some fresh berries.

5. Do you get ready for the day first thing in the morning? Nope! Once upon a time, I used to be a morning person. I'd get up, make coffee for the hubs and I. Mornings were my best time of day. That's when we were interns. These days, Not so much. I drag myself out of bed to get our mornings going. If I can make breakfast, take a shower, and get my kids to school, it's a success!

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