Friday, June 24, 2011

Five Question Friday #4

Feels good to be in the middle of summer. Finally! Why did summer, seem to not want to come, this year? The kids and I are having a blast! We've even managed, to set up one day a week, to meet Patrick for lunch. It's good for everyone! And we just might do a little shopping, on those days too. :)

Patrick and I, have been planning lots of fun things, for the kids. We're keeping them active. Which is good for everyone. With that said, I better get this week's Five Question Friday done. I need some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day!

1. What is your current favorite tv show? Tough one. But I've really been getting into Bones. I sorta stumbled on it one night. Our DVR taped it. And well, I'm falling in love with it. Funny how that happens.

2. What's the worst haircut you ever got? I'm a child of the 80s and 90s. I got this weird haircut one year. My hair was long. In the back, it was cut into a V-shape. The front was ridiculous! I had those HUGE "Cowlick" bangs. And let me tell you, I could get some major height for those babies. The worst part about it, this was the "in" hairstyle!

3. What was something that you did as a child that you thought you were so cool for doing? See above answer? Again with the 80s. I used to wear 3 or 4 pairs of socks. Crazy colored socks. All scrunched perfectly. With acid washed, and rolled jeans. Oh, it was bad! And those crazy cut-up, and over sized sweatshirts. The 80s will forever haunt me!

4. Do you have any GREAT frugal family fun tips? We do a lot of  "at home vacays." Camping in the backyard. We go all out. Or "Beach Night." Something fun like that. We honestly go all out. But we stay home. I cook up some themed meal. We'll dress up. Whatever. It just makes us feel, like we are actually there. It's really a lot of fun. Sleeping outside and all!

5. Would you drive across country if you had the money to fly? Yes, I think it would be fun. In fact, long before Patrick and I got married and had kids, we had to drive across country. With all our stuff. We were moving for our residency. We actually had a good time. I think it would be fun to do with our kids. Especially around the southwest. Where there are tons of fun, small towns. Sounds like a fun plan, for next summer.

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