Thursday, June 23, 2011

Learning Grace

Ethan and Madelyn just finished up their school year. I can't believe it, but in September we will have a 1st grader and a 2nd grader. Logan will also be starting Pre-school! It's hard to believe it. My babies are growing so quickly!

One of the things we value and appreciate most, at our kids' school is, the prayer. The level of education is amazing! These teachers are really on top of things. But all of our kids have come home, with this prayer, on their 1st day of school.

We've incorporated it into our daily use. Teaching the rest of the family. We've always said Grace before meals. But now, we have a specific prayer to say. I'm happy to say, all of our kids now know, this prayer. Yes, some days, I'm still trying to figure out what Daniella is saying. But it's a nice tradition to have in our family. I'm very grateful for this school. And all that they are teaching, all of us!

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