Friday, September 2, 2011

Five Question Friday #14

Summer is pretty much over. This weekend, I feel, is the official end to summer. It makes me sad. My kids will be going back to school. Mommy is not sure how she feels about this. A 2nd grader, a 1st grader, and a 3-days-a-week preschooler. What the heck? When did they grow up? We got all of our school shopping done. Patrick is taking the weekend off. It's going to be good. Right now, it's time for Five Question Friday.

1. Shoes in the house - yay or nay? There's no rule in our house. But somehow, no one wears shoes in the house. It's more of a "We don't like to wear shoes" thing. Actually, it's a pretty good thing. It means there is less stuff coming into the house. It's a pretty good thing.

2. What do you call them- flip flops, slippers, thongs, etc? Around here we call them flip flops or flippie floppies. The second is my kids' favorite.

3. What song are you almost embarrassed to admit you know all the lyrics to? I'm a child of the 80s and 90s. There are so many embarrassing songs, that I know. But the one song that comes to mind is from later in my life. "The Thong Song." How and when did I learn this?

4. What is the best quality to have in a friend? Hands down, it's loyalty. If you have a loyal friend, that's all you need. Not to mention, with loyalty, everything else falls into place. You know there will be trust, respect, and love. Loyalty is just so important. A loyal friend will be there for you in good times, and bad times.

5. Do you know what you want for Christmas? That's tough. I haven't even thought of it. But the first thing that comes to mind is, redoing our bedroom. Or at least new bedding. Maybe Patrick and I can do that for ourselves. You know you're an adult, when that's your Christmas Wish List.

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