Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kid's Mud Bar

Unfortunately, in our family, we don't have many "lazy days." I wish we had more. The kind of days, when you stay in your pjs all day. Just hanging out. Enjoying family. Usually, we have a full day of things planned. Everything that we didn't get done during the week. Ethan usually has a soccer game. Many times Madelyn has some sort of dance thing. Saturdays are usually days filled with lots of family time. And running around town.

Our weekends, are also the only time that Patrick has off of work. Literally, Saturday and Sunday. And not all the time. Because of his position at the hospital, he has many conferences to attend. Weekends around here are insane! Rarely lazy and relaxing.

This past weekend, was very different. We had nothing planned. I had completely stocked our fridge and pantry. We had everything that we needed, in our home. And we took full advantage of it. Patrick was off of work. This was the last weekend of summer. Our kids are going back to school this week.

Saturday was such a lazy day. Everyone slept in. Way in! The first sounds of life, came around 10AM. When Daniella came looking for her Daddy. They have their own Saturday morning traditions. It lead to a casual family brunch. Eaten on the floor, on picnic blankets. All in our family room. It was such a relaxing time.

All the while, we were watching PBS. And we happened on a fun, and new show. At least it's new to us. B. Organic. Michelle is the most talented person. Has all these amazing ideas. I was hooked! Surprisingly, so was my hubs. And our kiddos. We watched 2 episodes. Got lots of ideas. I took notes. And when B. Organic was over, the kids asked for one of these.

What is this? A Kid's Mud Bar. Made from old wood, extra kitchen supplies, and just stuff you have around the house. Yes, we were all excited! Patrick promised, we'd get one of these goodies. Daniella is already planning out her mud pie recipes. Yes, she's got recipes! This is going to be such a fun family project!

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