Friday, September 30, 2011

Five Question Friday #18

It's finally Friday. Don't you just feel like some weeks, just drag on? This week has felt like that. I think I'm just tired. Possibly coming down with something. Or maybe we're just trying to find a rhythm still. I don't know. But I'm just happy the weekend is here. Let's get the Five Question Friday underway.

1. Do you apologize to your kids if you're wrong? Yes, I think it's important for them to know, even grown ups can be wrong. We're also the kind of parents, that believe in parenting by example. It's tough, but I think it's beneficial.

2. Do you have a class ring, Letterman's jacket, or similar obscenely priced high school "must have"? Yes, I was one of those kids. I had a Yearbook, Letterman's jacket, and a Class Ring. Now 2 of the 3, are stored in the attic. And my ring is in my jewelry box. A piece of jewelry that I wore for 10 years, I probably haven't worn it in over 10 years.

3. If you could be one age for the rest of your life, what age would you choose? My late twenties. But I'd like to be done with school, and being a resident. I'd like to have all my kids by then. And I'd want them to be small. Pretty much, my life now, just me in my late twenties.

4. What is your favorite (unused) baby name? Unused baby names, that's both tough and easy. For a girl, Emily. And for a boy, Jason.

5. If you could make your child like something what would it be? I'd like for my kids to always be adventurous and hardworking. I think those are very important life skills.

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