Friday, September 23, 2011

Five Question Friday #17

I'm feeling a little crazy this week. I'm getting the finishing touches, completed for Ethan's birthday. On a side note, when did my baby grow up? He's going to be 8 years old! I've also been looking for birthday stuff for Logan. His birthday is in December. In our family, the boys' birthdays are in the Fall. The girls' birthdays are in the Spring.

Other than that, I'm still trying to find a rhythm. 3 of my kiddos are now in school. I've yet to figure out some work days. And I just volunteered to be a Class Parent. Oh, and I got voted to be the schools' VP of the PTA. I'm still now sure how I feel about that. Did I mention? The hospital also volunteered me as a Fundraising Queen. Pretty much, I have to organize some upcoming events.

But I'm trying, to not let all of this get to me. I'm enjoying all the one-on-one time with Daniella. I'm secretly loving it! It's really allowing me to soak up all of our time together. And really enjoy my baby. I'm trying to keep her as young as possible, for as long as possible. Does that makes sense? I think I'm still kind of wanting another baby. So I'm trying to make my baby, stay young. I hope that makes sense. Anyway, here are this week's Five Question Friday.

1. Dream job...realistic and completely unrealistic. My "realistic" dream job is being a SAHM and MD. I think that's going pretty well. Don't you? For about 6 months now, I've averaged 3 days a month, as an MD. Just enough to keep me interested in medicine. And keep me sane. More importantly, tons of time with my family. My "unrealistic" dream job...I need to think about this. I'd enjoy something involving traveling, shopping, and tons of spas. Any jobs like that out there?

2. Do you fart in front of your significant other? I was so weird about this. I completely hid this, well into my marriage. I'm positive, that Patrick, really believed women didn't fart. I know that we're both MDs. And he should know better. But I'm positive that's what he thought. My MIL is so lady-like. I'm almost 100% certain, that she's never past gas before. No I'm not lying! But during my 1st pregnancy, I had the worst gas ever! It just showed up during my last trimester. After that, I figured why try and hide it. My hubs knows I'm human.

3. What's the furthest you've ever traveled from home? How far and where was it? When we were first married, we definitely couldn't afford a real honeymoon. But Patrick and I promised, the first time we got a decent amount of money, and we had a home, we'd go on a trip. When Patrick got this job, immediately, we knew what we had to do. We planned a trip. Called our parents. And Patrick and I went to Paris. For 10 days. It was heaven! Honestly, it has been the only trip we've gone on, without our kids. That wasn't for work. We really need to do some kind of trip, to celebrate our 10 years of marriage.

4. How do you celebrate birthday for your kids? Family only or friends? ... Alternate for those without kiddos: How did you celebrate birthdays as a kid? On their actual birthdays, we have a family dinner. Just Patrick, the kids, and I. The birthday kiddo gets to pick the menu. And of course, we have cake and presents. Then on the weekend closest to their birthday, we have a birthday party. We invite friends and family. Honestly, usually just friends, and grandparents come. We live pretty far from our families.

5. Fave thing about fall? Just one thing? I can't do that! I LOVE FALL! I love the colors. Warm and rich. I love the smells. Spicy and comforting. The cooling weather couldn't be better! I enjoy cooking soups, stews, and comfort foods. Baking is a must! Nothing is more comfy than boots and chunky sweaters. Oh, and lots of cuddling with my family, and cozy soft blankets. Yes, I LOVE FALL!!!

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