Friday, September 16, 2011

Five Question Friday #16

I'm going to admit it. Having 3 kids in school, is kicking my butt! I can't get a schedule down. I feel like I'm always racing around. I need to seriously sit down, and get me a good schedule going. If not, Daniella and I, are going to go crazy. Her naps are getting cut short. Dinner has been late, all week long! And I'm going to need, about 20 cups of coffee, every day! With that, here is this week's Five Question Friday.
1. If you had a weekly newspaper column, what would you name it? Babbling Brooke. Hey, that could be fun. Now I just need to find a newspaper, that needs another writer.

2. Who is your mentor/inspiration? This is going to sound a bit cheesy, but my hubby. Patrick is so good, at so much. His heart, is ginormous! My hubs is so caring, loving, patient, and the most faithful person that I know. Patrick is a hard worker, always puts his family and friends ahead of himself, and loves to give back. I've always aspired to be like my husband.

3. What is your wake up beverage of choice? Coffee, coffee, and more coffee. This is hilarious! From the time that I first got pregnant with Ethan, until after Daniella was 18 months old, I didn't have a single cup of coffee. That's years people! This coming from the "Coffee Queen" herself. But I didn't drink it  for years. My drink of choice was cranberry juice. And while I still drink a glass of cranberry juice, every morning, I'm coming back to coffee. Especially since the school year started. I'm actually drinking half a pot, a day now. I need to slow down there.

4. Would you wear your mom's clothes? You know what, ya. I would. My mom is a very stylish lady. She has some amazing clothes! My mom has developed this amazing "Classic Style." Everything that she has, is classic. Great looking. And amazingly tailored. Now that I'm thinking about it, "Mom can I raid your closet?"

5. When you were a kid, did you put posters on your wall? If so, what were they of? I became the "Poster Queen," as a teen. Do you remember Tiger Beat and Seventeen? I had subscriptions to both. My walls were covered with bands, 90210, and gosh, anything from those magazines. Crazy!

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