Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Big 8

Eight years ago yesterday, I became a Mommy. For the very first time, I had a teeny tiny baby, that depended on me. Yesterday, that baby, our son Ethan, turned 8 years old! Where in the heck, did the time go?

It's crazy, I knew almost nothing about babies. Or mothering. What I knew, I had learned in medical school. I knew how to medically take care of a baby, but not really know how to take care of a baby. Patrick and I had been married just over 2 years. We'd been together for a few years. But married just 2 years. I had known that I was ready for a baby.

My last day of being a resident was both a relief, and a complete anxiety attack. I knew that I wouldn't be a full time MD. I was going to be a mommy. 100% of the time. We were in a different state than our families. In a completely different city. Patrick was easily working 120 hours a week. And we had just had our son.

In so many ways, October 7, 2003 forever changed our lives. We could never turn back. We can never quit this job. We're parents. From that day forward, we were parents. It was everything we dreamt of, and so much more!

In the last 8 years, I feel like we've all grown so much. Our family has gotten bigger. Patrick and I know value more important things. You know, chats with our kids, family dinners, and family vacations. I'm so grateful for Ethan, he changed our lives, and our family. Forever. 8 years ago, I had no clue what life had in store for me. Today, I'm so happy to have become a mommy to this amazing little soul. And for the 3 amazing souls that came later.

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