Friday, October 7, 2011

Five Question Friday #19

It feels so good, to finally have the temperatures cooling down. It makes me so excited! I'm a big fan of Fall. Tonight, we're going to have a birthday dinner for Ethan. And tomorrow, we're going to have his birthday party. Ya, it's going to be a busy weekend. So I better get going on this week's Five Question Friday.

1. What is your go to comfort food or sweet? My "Go-to" comfort food is meatloaf and mashed potatoes. And my "Go-to" sweet is chocolate. Yum!

2. What is the most romantic place you've ever been to? Patrick rented a cabin in the mountains. This teeny little cabin. When we were residents. Loved that place! The entire time we lived in the southwest, we'd spend one weekend, a year there. Just the 2 of us. It was gorgeous! In the middle of nowhere. Just us and nature. Makes me want to go back.

3. What is your favorite thing about fall/Halloween? One thing? That's tough. Since this is my favorite time of year. I'd have to say, the food. Nothing tastes quite like Fall food. The soups, stews, baked goods, yummy teas, delicious coffee. Oh, it just makes me hungry thinking about it.

4. How would you spend 24 hours alone? I'd catch up on sleep. I haven't had a really good night of sleep since college. People, that's a good 15 years. I miss good sleep. Heck, a full 6 hours sounds good to me. :)

5. Does you husband bring you flowers? Are you the bring-me-flowers type of girl? Yes, Patrick brings me flowers. Yes, I'm a "Bring me flowers" kind of woman. Early in our relationship, it was coffee. The man knew exactly what I needed. Later it was chocolate. Now it's flowers and a note. I love that my hubby is so thoughtful!

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