Friday, October 7, 2011

Ethan's 8 Years Old!

Dear Ethan,

Happy Birthday Big Boy! We just can't believe, that you're already 8 years old. I swear, just yesterday, I was holding you in my arms. All cuddled up, in a teeny tiny blanket. Snuggling you. And loving every second of it! I was also scared to death! Because you are my first baby. And your Mommy didn't know much, about being a Mommy. And your Grandma lived far away. Yes, I was scared.

But 8 years ago, we welcomed you into our little family. You completed our family. To be honest, your Daddy and I were scared to death. But we were so excited! I can say that now. We'd dreamt of the family we wanted. Ethan you made all those dreams come true.

I don't know which memories rank higher, cuddling you when you were days old. Or watching you, just a few days ago, make the winning goal. Every day with you, is filled with such fun and excitement. I love how excited you get about your science class. How sports are now the center of your universe. Something that I must admit, came as a shock to me. But makes me smile just the same.

It's been such an adventure watching you grow up. I enjoy every single day. Listening to your days at school. Your adventures with your friends. It makes me smile every time, I see you biting your upper lip, while you read. Just like your Daddy. My heart almost burst from the love I have for you. And the love you have for your brother and sisters. Nothing makes me happier, than bedtime. When the 4 of you kiss each other good night. Something that means so much. When you are all older, I pray, that you are still that close.

Son, you've changed my life. I such a positive way. I enjoy every moment that we have together. It warms my heart, that you are becoming such an amazing young man. More than anything, I want you to know that your Daddy and I love you. More than words could ever say. Happy 8th Birthday!


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